Recently, I was on a student panel for prospective CHP and Regents students at UCI. I was asked a bunch of questions before hand. I thought it might be worthwhile to post my rather frank responses up here. Enjoy! -- Justin
I don´t know. =) Graduated High School from Ohio. Told when I applied that I did not have a shot at getting in because I was out-of-state. Still, accepted everywhere I applied (UCI, UCSD, UCSB, CMU, Washington, Univ. of Dayton). Lucky enough to visit the UCI campus. Knew I was going to be in computer science. Major here was a good fit (math is not stressed in ICS!). Thought that there were some unique opportunities available at such a "young" and "growing" campus. Well-rounded campus (compared to CMU).
Lived first year at Shire (CHP ME House). Wonderful experience - highly recommended.
Currently doing H198 for Dr. David Rosenblum (even though I am second year - not supposed to do until 4th year). He has afforded me a tremendous amount of liberty with respect to my project because it is an Honors Research Project.
University scholarship. Didn´t get Regents because out-of-state (or so I tell myself!).
Lots and lots. Have a strong feeling that you can approach your professor.
In ICS, it has been lots of fun. Gives me a chance to do things that I would not ordinarily have a chance to do. Currently taking Latin - gives me a chance to broaden my focus a bit (meet chicks!).
Sure. =) We can say that. Yeah, CHP people are REALLY serious about academics. <g>
Outside of ICS-related stuff, I just don´t have time...(I am a white guy on this campus - there are no clubs for us!)
Haven´t done so.
I live in ICS House, so we all just pretty much stick to our computers. Every once in a while, we come out for fresh air...
ICS House in Arroyo Vista.
Bike. Just got a car because my mom bought a new Bug and she had a car sitting in her driveway, so I took it. =)
Yeah, but at times, you do have to work at it (esp. not living in the most social-friendly house!)
Love it. =) I commuted in Ohio - hated it. If you live off-campus, you are nuts...
Vice President-to-be of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Administrator of Undergraduate Computing Facility. That´s about as much as my time allows.
No. I don´t recreate. No time. =)
I participate in things like this. Generally, don´t go on the retreats and stuff.
Interned at Ingram Micro last two years. Currently looking at my opportunities for this coming summer - I expect to know more in the next few weeks!
See above (already asked).
I have taken advantage of it - better to use your major´s not CHP´s (they know more what your classes should be - and they usually are CHP people anyway). I thought about doing it (was asked by ICS), but didn´t for time concerns...
All-night keg parties. <g> Seriously, make an effort to get to know your professors. They are cool dudes.
Have fun. Lots of fun. Chill out. Relax. Enjoy yourself. Oh, yeah, be in a major that you absolutely love - otherwise, you will end up regretting it (as some of my friends are currently doing).
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